This folder contains each of the class “At-a-Glance” calendars, highlighting important dates throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Each of the class calendars includes a general school “At-a-Glance” calendar that highlights important dates for the larger school community.

This folder contains all the class-specific orientation documents. Orient yourself within the class space, read over each working parent position, expectations from your teacher, and, of course, the basics of class drop-off and pick-up times and routines.

Mark your calendar with these upcoming social events held throughout the year. Our social events are a way for Explorer families to meet new other families, have fun together, and enjoy the community atmosphere. Given the ongoing pandemic, this year’s events will be modified as needed to support a safe environment. Keep up to date with our Master Calendar for more information as it becomes available for this events.

This document explains the financial and participation requirements for each Explorer family, organized by class enrollment. Financial obligations include application and late fees, class tuition, and fundraising requirements. Participation requirements include Parent Education Classes (PECs) and Maintenance Days.

This document explains each family’s requirement to attend Parent Education Classes (or PECs) throughout the school year.

Explorer Preschool’s mission is not only about educating the child, but educating the parent, too. Our PECs are a way for parents to gain the skills to grow in their abilities to become child educators at home, in the classroom, and in their communities.

This document explains each family’s fundraising requirement and how to complete this requirement through a one-time payment, in-kind donations, or volunteering.

Throughout the school year, fundraisers are held to generate funds to support our school. Fundraising also enables us to save for future projects and for unforeseen or unexpected expenditures. Our Fundraising team works hard to find fun and easy fundraisers to involve our families such as dining night outs and our annual auction and gala.

This document explains each family’s requirement for Maintenance Day hours, as well as information for the kind of work parents will be tasked with doing. As a co-op school, Explorer relies on each family’s Maintenance Day participation to maintain the safety and cleanliness of our school. If you have children enrolled in different classes, you need to fulfill ONLY the greater commitment of the two. Your maintenance commitment is by family, not child, and responsibilities are based on class enrollment:

  • MW2s, 3s-5s (both two- and four-day) and PreK parents participate in one 3-hour Saturday Maintenance Day (3 hours total)

    • *If enrolling after January 31st: your maintenance requirement remains the same.

  • Families only enrolled in Together Time or Fri 2s do not have a maintenance requirement. Board members have already fulfilled their maintenance requirements.

Sign up for a Saturday Maintenance Day to fulfill your parent maintenance requirement. Maintenance Days are scheduled every other week, see the School Calendar for when the next one is scheduled. If you do not sign yourself up within the first month of enrollment, a date will be assigned for you.

Please contact Board Maintenance Chair immediately if you have any difficulties fulfilling your shift. If unable to attend, it is your responsibility to find a replacement to cover your shift, swap days with another family, or pay $50 to have another family to work your shift on your behalf. Substitutes must be approved in advance by the Maintenance Chair as all attendees must be fully vaccinated per our COVID policies. If you are interested in being on our Maintenance Substitute Interest List, please provide your contact info here. Being on the interest list does not require you to pick up every shift offered although timely response is very important so that the family may continue their search if you are unavailable.

The optional Explorer Preschool Babysitting Connection program is for Explorer families who are looking for childcare during working parent class hours. The Babysitting Connection Google Form allows families to create childcare swaps during working class days with similar childcare needs.

This helpful document provides families with contact and name information for where to find answers to your questions. If you have a policy question, or a question about class schedules, or in need of support check this chart to find out who might be able to answer your question or provide you with the support you need.