Questions about camp? Feel free to reach out to our membership team and we’ll get back to you shortly.


Summer Together Time - Wednesday/Thursday

Our “Welcome to Explorer” Summer Together Time classes are designed for incoming and current toddlers who will be between 12 months to 2 years by September 1, 2024.

We would like to welcome incoming Together Time families to our “Welcome to Explorer” Together Time Summer Camp providing a mix of ages to introduce new families to Explorer!  This camp is a great introduction to school for children who will be entering Together Time or 2's classes in Fall 2024. We will have lots of summertime fun with water play, art, sensory activities, songs, stories, and more!

Dates: 6 classes on Wed. and Thurs. mornings: May 29-30; June 5-6; June 12-13

Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Lead Teacher: Annie Deckert

Session Fee: $170

Parent Participation Requirement: Parents attend each class with their toddler and work in the camp each meeting. At the end of camp, parents will support the teachers with cleaning up, organizing, and putting away toys to prepare the outdoor classroom for closure over the summer. 

Summer Together Time - Monday/Tuesday

Our “Welcome to Explorer” Summer Together Time classes are designed for incoming and current toddlers who will be between 12 months to 2 years by September 1, 2024.

We are offering a NEW Monday/Tuesday option for Summer Together Time! We will explore the new found skills and confidence that toddlers this age are working on during the regular school year, with more focus on outdoor activities, water play, and exploring the big kid's playground on Explorer's campus. Making friends, trying new things, and feeling mastery of skills gives toddlers an opportunity to feel like "Big Kids” and get ready for all the learning to come. Teacher Annie loves seeing the confident  “swagger”  emerge as the children begin to feel more and more in charge of their learning and play. It’s a magical time!

Dates: 6 classes on Mon. and Tues. mornings: June 3-4; June 10-11; June 17-18 

Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am

Lead Teacher: Annie Deckert

Session Fee: $170

Parent Participation Requirement: Parents attend each class with their toddler and work in the camp each meeting. At the end of camp, parents will support the teachers with cleaning up, organizing, and putting away toys to prepare the outdoor classroom for closure over the summer. 

Unfortunately, our Terrific 2's and 3's Camp will not be offered this year, however, we encourage your family to join Teachers Jenell and Rima for lots of fun in the sun in our Multi-age summer camp!

3s-5s Multi-age Camp

Multi-age Summer Camp is now designed for children who will be 3 to 5 years old by September 1, 2024. We welcome children currently enrolled at Explorer in the 2's, 3's-5's, and PreK classes for the 2023-2024 school year. Incoming Explorers and children are also welcome to join in the fun! This is a great opportunity to introduce kids turning 3 by September 1st to the big kid's play space for fun in the sun while providing older kids the ability to take a leadership role in cooperative play with the younger kids. (Children currently enrolled in Together Time are not age eligible.)

Get excited for Explorer’s multi-age camp! Summer is a great time for our preschoolers to practice gaining greater independence and confidence while also building on their friendship skills. Whether your child loves to get messy painting, dance around to silly songs, or build a tower out of magna-tiles - there will be something for everyone! Children will spend lots of time playing outside with friends and enjoying the magical preschool environment where art, science, literacy and imagination combine to make each day an exciting learning adventure. Enjoy everything Explorer has to offer plus some extra sunshine and water play, new friends, and exciting themed activities.

Two sessions to choose from - sign up for one or take both for a discounted rate!

Session 1: Let’s go camping

Come join your preschool pals on a messy play adventure through the great Explorer outdoors! Delve into the wild world of forest creatures and their habitats, pitch a tent amidst the apple trees, or join in the joyous chorus of campfire songs. Campers will enjoy an earthy blend of hands-on exploration, stunning science study, and other camping themed activities. Don’t miss out on your chance to make some unforgettable memories around the glow of our makeshift “campfire"!

Dates: 6 classes on Wed, Thurs, Fri mornings: May 29-31, June 5-7

Time: 9:00 am to 11:30 am

Lead Teacher: Jenell Carroll

Session Fee: $290

Session 2: Fairytales

Once upon a time, there was the most memorable summer at Explorer ever! Come join Teacher Jenell and Teacher Rima on a whimsical journey through the enchanting realm of fairytales. Let your imagination soar as you dress up as your favorite fairytale character and create your own fantastical adventures. Become a valiant knight or graceful princess, conquer a mighty dragon, or join forces with a magical unicorn. It’s going to be a magical 2 weeks of enchantment and wonder!

Dates: 6 classes on Wed, Thurs, Fri mornings: Wed June 12-14, June 19-21

Time: 9:00 am to 11:30 am

Lead Teacher: Jenell Carroll

Session Fee: $290

Combined Session 1 & 2 Fee (all 4 weeks, 12 classes): $530

Parent Participation Requirement: Approximately one day per two-week session. Families signed up for the full month may participate in the classroom 2-3 times total, depending on enrollment. At the end of camp, parents will support the teaching staff with cleaning up, organizing, and putting away toys to prepare the outdoor classroom for closure over the summer.

Summer 5s Club

5s Club is open to children entering kindergarten in Fall 2024. We welcome both current Explorers as well as children in the community who have had some experience with being in a preschool environment. New families are welcome to reach out to our Membership Team if you have questions about whether this class may be a good fit for your child.

The 5’s Club program provides a bridge between preschool and kindergarten where they will explore art, simple math, letter recognition, reading and comprehension, in addition to working on classroom skills such as taking turns and waiting in line. This session offers a different curriculum than Spring 5's Club, so please join us over summer for more learning and fun!

Dates: 8 classes: May 29, 30 & 31; June 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7

Time: 11:30 am to 2:00 pm **Please bring a packed lunch for each class session. Children who are concurrently enrolled in Summer 5s and 3s-5s Multi-age Camp will be on campus from 9am-2pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays as they will transition from one camp to the next and do not need to be picked up in between.

Lead Teacher: Jenell Carroll

Session Fee: $390

Parent Participation Requirement: Approximately one day per eight-class session. At the end of camp, parents will support the teaching staff with cleaning up, organizing, and putting away toys to prepare the outdoor classroom for closure over the summer.